72778 Diesel locomotive T669, CSD
Diesel locomotive T669, CSD
Diesel locomotive T669 of the Czechoslovakian State Railways. Epoch IV.
Engine with flywheel. Drive on all six axles. 2 traction tyres. PluX22 interface. Coupler pockes according to NEM 362 standards with close coupler motion link. Triple LED headlight white and red that chages with the direction of travel.
Model with digitally switchable sound functions.
Additional Information
Coupling | NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism |
Number of driven axles | 6 |
Number of axles with traction tyres | 1 |
Article number | 72778 |
EAN | 9005033727789 |
Original (country) | Czechoslovakia |
Scale | H0 |
Epoch | IV |
Railway Company | CSD |
LED lighting | yes |
Head light | 3 headlight, dependent on the direction of travel/2 tail lights, dependent on the direction of travel |
Control | DC Digital |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units PluX22 |
Digital decoder | PluX22 |
Decoder-Type | MX645P22 |
Sound | yes |
Length over buffer | 198 |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
100260 | Kardanwelle L=20 mm | 2,00 € |
107808 | Attrappenrahmen klein schwarz | 2,00 € |
108322 | Zubehörrahmen gr+mi - schwarz | 4,30 € |
111115 | Zahnrad Z=14 M0!4 ger. - schw. | 1,80 € |
113942 | Anlaufscheibe D=2,1 --> 114622 | 0,00 € |
114850 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
115161 | SK-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
115269 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x5 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
115550 | Kurzkupplung - Vorentkupplung | 3,30 € |
116876 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=11,6 mm | 1,80 € |
117617 | Zahnrad Z=16 M0,4 gerade - schwarz | 1,80 € |
127141 | Puffer eckig - schwarz | 1,80 € |
129000 | Sounddecoder MX645 Pl.22 ZIMO | 179,00 € |
129524 | Lautsprecher RA 15x11 DA 2403 | 12,00 € |
136196 | Schneckensatz m. Kardankugel | 12,00 € |
136204 | Radkontakt 1+2 - CHME 3 / T669 | 7,20 € |
136206 | Motor m. 2 Schwungm.+Kardansch | 62,00 € |
136207 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2!4 L=22!7 mm | 3,30 € |
136225 | TS - Fenster + Lichtleiter | 4,90 € |
136228 | Lautsprecherbox Hummel | 2,40 € |
136295 | TS - LED-Maske - fenstergrau | 2,00 € |
136298 | Daempfer + Federaufn. - fen.gr. | 4,30 € |
136300 | TS - Kinematik - fenstergrau | 2,40 € |
136301 | Grundrahmen Rh770 - fenstergr. | 20,10 € |
136302 | Radsatz m. Zahnrad o. Haftring | 10,60 € |
136306 | Schneckendeckel - fenstergrau | 2,00 € |
136307 | TS - Fahrgestell - fenstergrau | 4,30 € |
136308 | Radsatz m.2 Haftring+Zahnrad | 12,00 € |
136310 | TS - Handlauf lack. - fen.grau | 36,30 € |
136312 | Dachabdeckung 2 - fenstergrau | 1,80 € |
136313 | Zuruestbeutel - AEtzteile grau | 82,00 € |
136479 | Frontlicht 2 CSD T669 | 2,40 € |
136840 | Platine kpl. m. Nr.-Bel. Pl.22 + DIP | 75,20 € |
138518 | Fuehrerstand Hum. - resedagruen | 2,40 € |
138519 | Fahrwerksrahmen l+b - 72778 | 36,30 € |
138520 | Tank l+b 72778 - fenstergrau | 3,30 € |
138521 | TS - Gehaeuse lack. - fenstergr | 10,60 € |
138524 | Schuerze Hummel - schwarz | 0,00 € |
138525 | Getriebesatz 3tlg. - fenstergr | 28,60 € |
138526 | DG-Blenden 1+2 - fenstergrau | 4,90 € |
138527 | Gehaeuse kpl. 72778 - T669 0008 | 62,00 € |
138528 | Kabine 72778 - CSD T669 0008 | 24,20 € |
138529 | Fenster Nummerntafel CSD T669 | 4,90 € |
138530 | Griffstange Niro - schwarz | 3,30 € |
138531 | Kette Hummel - Niro | 3,30 € |
40074 | Traction tyre set AC | 7,90 € |
85672 | Schraube M2x6 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
86208 | Zugfeder D=2,5 L=2,7/5,8 mm | 1,80 € |
86419 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=16re/17ger | 3,30 € |
87129 | Kardanschale kurz 1,5 mm | 2,00 € |
89246 | Standardkupplung | 3,30 € |
89749 | Lager f. Schneckenachse D=2H7 | 3,30 € |
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