73914 Electric locomotive class 383, ZSSK
Electric locomotive class 383, ZSSK
Electric locomotive class 383 of the Slovakian State Railways.
■ Version with a long rain gutter
■ Use in the cross-border traffic
■ In digital mode, with switchable high beam and individually switchable headlights and taillight
■ Sound development in cooperation with Leosoundlab
The Slovakian State Railways have rented ten Vectron-MS locomotives for their freight division ZSSK Cargo. These machines are equipped with the country package DE-AT-PL-CZ-SK-HU-RO-HR-SI. This means that intermodal/car and goods transport can be carried out without having to change locomotives at the country borders/system boundaries.
Additional Information
Coupling | NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism |
Minimum radius | 358 mm |
Flywheel | yes |
Number of driven axles | 4 |
Number of axles with traction tyres | 1 |
Article number | 73914 |
EAN | 9005033739140 |
Scale | H0 |
Epoch | VI |
Railway Company | ZSSK |
Head light | 3 headlight, dependent on the direction of travel/2 tail lights, dependent on the direction of travel |
LED head light | yes |
Additional light function | yes |
Interior lighting | LED, Digital switchable, Driver's cab lighting |
Control | DC Digital |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units PluX22 |
Digital decoder | PluX22 |
Decoder-Type | MX645P22 |
Sound | yes |
Buffer capacitor | yes |
Length over buffer | 218 mm |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
108332 | Kardanwelle L=28!9 mm | 2,00 € |
110377 | Schneckensatz Z=1 m. Kardank. | 12,00 € |
110407 | E-Lokführer - grau | 3,30 € |
113376 | Motordaempfer | 2,00 € |
114828 | GF-Schraube M2x6 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
114850 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
114966 | GF-Schraube M2x5 mm | 1,80 € |
115317 | SK-Schraube M1,6x5 mm - schwarz | 2,00 € |
115550 | Kurzkupplung - Vorentkupplung | 3,30 € |
115978 | TS - Isolat.+Antenne - lichtgrau | 4,30 € |
122789 | Puffer eckig - umbragrau | 1,80 € |
122803 | TS - LZB Antennen - umbragrau | 3,30 € |
122816 | Getriebesatz --! 147619+147620 | 0,00 € |
122822 | Schneckendeckel | 2,00 € |
122956 | TS - Blendesteckt. - umbragrau | 2,40 € |
127541 | Zahnrad Z=17 M0!4 | 2,00 € |
127542 | Zahnrad Z=12 M0!4 | 2,00 € |
129000 | Sounddecoder MX645 Pl.22 ZIMO | 179,00 € |
129524 | Lautsprecher RA 15x11 DA 2403 | 12,00 € |
136487 | Pufferflansch l+r - umbragrau | 2,40 € |
137826 | Kontakthalter m.Litzen - umbragrau | 6,00 € |
139832 | TS - Bremsschläuche + Zughaken | 4,30 € |
141135 | Grundrahmen VECTRON - umbragrau | 15,90 € |
141136 | TS - Kinematik, Deichsel, - umbragrau | 4,90 € |
141137 | TS - Abdeckungen VECTRON | 2,00 € |
141139 | TS - Lautsprecherbox + Platten | 2,40 € |
141140 | TS - Schienenräumer, Trafowanne, ... | 10,60 € |
141144 | TS - Sandkasten, Antenne, ... | 4,30 € |
141148 | TS - Lichtleiter+Scheinwerfer | 14,10 € |
141149 | Fuehrerstand + Himmel - fehgrau | 4,90 € |
141150 | TS - Dachgitter, ... - weißaluminium | 7,20 € |
141151 | Antenne kurz - lichtgrau | 1,80 € |
141152 | Antenne VECT./1116 - basaltgrau | 1,80 € |
141154 | Türgriff VECTRON L=17,8 - Niro | 2,00 € |
141155 | TS - Wischer l+r, Horn - schwarz | 3,30 € |
141156 | TS - Isolatoren VECT. - bl/r/g | 2,40 € |
141159 | Getriebeboden VECT. - umbragr. | 0,00 € |
141160 | Radsatz m. Zahnrad o. Haftring | 10,60 € |
141161 | Radsatz m.2 Haftringen+Zahnrad | 12,00 € |
141162 | Pufferflansch li+re Vitrine | 2,00 € |
141163 | Steckdose VECTRON - umbragrau | 1,80 € |
141190 | Schuerze VECTRON - umbragrau | 3,30 € |
141194 | DG-Blende Ind.+ELM - umbragrau | 10,60 € |
141200 | Antenne lang VECTR. - lichtgr. | 1,80 € |
141557 | TS - Dachleitungen - schw./gr. | 10,60 € |
141559 | UIC-Dose VECTRON - umbragrau | 1,80 € |
141583 | Verteilerplatte A01 - weissalu. | 1,80 € |
141603 | Dachbaugruppe kpl.CD/RJ-4 Sta. | 117,00 € |
141659 | Innenbeleuchtung Fst. VECTRON | 2,00 € |
141936 | Stirn+Seitenfenster VECT.3-Eck | 6,00 € |
142219 | TS - Griffe VECTRON - reinweiss | 3,30 € |
145556 | Motor KM m.2 Schwungm. + K.Sch | 47,50 € |
145557 | Motordistanzplatte KM | 2,00 € |
145560 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=14,3 mm | 2,00 € |
145561 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=7,15 mm | 2,00 € |
145656 | Platine VECT. o. Zugz. EU So. | 43,50 € |
145794 | Schienenraeumer VECTRON bedr. | 2,40 € |
145795 | Gehäuse kpl.73914 - 6383 110-4 | 0,00 € |
145796 | Frontplatte 73914 - 383 110-4 | 0,00 € |
145797 | Zurüstbeutel - VECTRON ZSSK | 28,60 € |
40070 | Traction tyre set DC | 7,90 € |
85488 | Stromabnehmer Typ 8/DB | 40,40 € |
86108 | Beilagscheibe 2!1x4 / 0!2 mm | 1,80 € |
86208 | Zugfeder D=2,5 L=2,7/5,8 mm | 1,80 € |
86419 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=16re/17ger | 3,30 € |
87129 | Kardanschale kurz 1,5 mm | 2,00 € |
89246 | Standardkupplung | 3,30 € |
89749 | Lager f. Schneckenachse D=2H7 | 3,30 € |