7520093 Elektrolokomotive 183 005-8, alex

Elektrolokomotive 183 005-8, alex



Novelty - (quarter 2024.Q2)

Elektrolokomotive 183 005 der Länderbahn GmbH.

■ Exakte, anspruchsvolle Bedruckung
■ Im Digitalbetrieb mit schaltbarem Fernlicht und einzeln schaltbarem Spitzen- oder Schlusslicht
■ Z21 Führerstand verfügbar

Exclusivmodell für die Wilde 13+!

Additional Information

General data
Coupling NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism
Minimum radius 358 mm
Flywheel yes
Number of driven axles 3
Number of axles with traction tyres 2
Article number 7520093
EAN 9005033069179
Scale H0
Epoch VI
Head light 3 headlight, dependent on the direction of travel/2 tail lights, dependent on the direction of travel
LED head light yes
Additional light function yes
Control AC
Interface Electrical interface for traction units PluX22
Digital decoder PluX22
Decoder-Type MS450P22
Sound yes
Buffer capacitor yes
Length over buffer 225 mm


Use-Instructions (DE)
Configuration Variables & Function keys (DE)

Spare parts