36025 Steam locomotive 18 201
Steam locomotive 18 201
BR 18 201 of the German State Railway (DR). Wheel arrangement: 2’C1’h3. Operation condition: 1960s. Service: High quality passenger transportation. Model: Finely detailed appearance with exclusive metal wheelset. With 3 headlights and LED lighting. Overall length: 210,8 mm. BR 18 201 - The fastest operational steam locomotive in the World The experimental and development company Maschinenwirtschaft in Halle (VES-M Halle) needed a fast locomotive towards the end of the 1950 to test traveling trains beyond the 160 km/h mark. Under the direction of Max Baumberg the BR 18 201 type 2'C1' h3 was produced in the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Meiningen and assembled mostly with components from the former Henschel-Wegman-train-locomotive 61 002, the H 45 024, the BR 41 and the tender of the 44 468. Several new designs were introduced such as the inner cylinder, the Riggenbach counter pressure break, the Giesl-flat-ejector, and the aerodynamic cladding in the front and around the boiler constructions. The latter shows a strong reminiscence to the French 232.U. The three cylinder 19 201 has a length of 25,145 mm, a service weight with tender of 172,0 tons, and with an induced power of 1,581 kW it reached a maximum speed of 180 km/h. In 1972 during a test run a speed of 182,4 km/h was reached which makes the runner from the East the fastest steam locomotive in the world. The driving wheels have a diameter of 2,300 mm, the biggest that were ever used in a Pacific-locomotive. 1967 it was refitted for oil main firing and just like in the West, the new numbers for electronic data processing (EDV) were introduced - the 10 201 was renamed 1970 as 02 0201-0.The 10 201 proofed itself very well during operation. Besides for test trips it operated mostly in the front of express trains during normal scheduled operation and not only the train personnel was impressed by its stately appearance and its pulling power. Starting in the 1980s it was mostly used for traditional and special trains, very often with a second tender to be able to go on long distances without having to stop for additional "food". The private company Dampf Plus GmbH purchased the locomotive in 2002 and reconditioned it for use of special trains with high promotional value. The model train manufacturer Roco in Salzburg sponsored a new paint job that was done between 2002 and 2005 in a dynamic Ruby-red however now the locomotive can be admired once again in its original livery in a Chromium-Oxide green with white decorative lines.
Additional Information
Coupling | NEM shaft 358 without close coupling mechanism |
Minimum radius | 310 mm |
Flywheel | yes |
Traction tyres | 2 |
Article number | 36025 |
EAN | 9005033360252 |
Scale | TT |
Epoch | V |
Railway Company | DB-AG |
Motor | 3 pole motor |
LED head light | yes |
Control | DC Analog |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units according to NEM 651 standards with plug-in fixture |
Digital decoder | No |
Length over buffer | 210,8 mm |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
114828 | GF-Schraube M2x6 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
114836 | GF-Schraube + M1!6x6 mm - schw | 1,80 € |
114850 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
114966 | GF-Schraube M2x5 mm | 1,80 € |
115094 | GF-Schraube M2x16 mm | 1,80 € |
115161 | SK-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
115269 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x5 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
115838 | Puffer gewoelbt bedr. - Metall | 2,40 € |
115839 | Puffer flach bedr. - Metall | 2,40 € |
120189 | Schraube M2x8 mm | 1,80 € |
126404 | Brückenstecker Pl.6 N+TT | 6,00 € |
126616 | TS - Federn Dampflok TT | 6,00 € |
126621 | Tenderkontakth. kpl. m. Litzen | 4,90 € |
126622 | Motor m. Schwungm.+2 Schnecken | 62,00 € |
126623 | Tenderradsatz o.Haftr.o.Zahnr | 7,20 € |
126631 | TS - Tendergriffstang.+Federn | 0,00 € |
126838 | Schaumstoff fuer Schalldaemmung | 2,00 € |
129551 | Kessel kpl. 36025 - BR18.201 | 106,00 € |
129552 | Zuruestbeutel - BR18.201 TT | 6,00 € |
129554 | Treibrads.2 o. Haftr. o.Zahnr. | 10,60 € |
129555 | Treibrads.3 o.Haftr. o.Zahnr. | 10,60 € |
129556 | Lok-Kontaktrahmen m. LED | 30,30 € |
129557 | Steuerung kpl. 36025 - 18.201 | 43,50 € |
129558 | TS - Lichtleiter+Fenster gepr. | 4,90 € |
129559 | TS - Lokunterteil TT BR18.201 | 8,40 € |
129560 | Lokboden TT BR18.2 - karminrot | 3,30 € |
129561 | TS - Aschenk.! Domdeckel! ... | 4,30 € |
129562 | TS - Lokboden - karminrot/schw | 4,30 € |
129563 | TS - Umlauf BR18.2 - karminrot | 4,30 € |
129564 | TS - Kuppelstangen - TT BR18.2 | 10,60 € |
129565 | Grundrahmen TT BR18.201 - rot | 12,00 € |
129566 | Radsatz m. 2Haftringen+Zahnrad | 10,60 € |
129567 | Getriebesatz 3tlg. - karminrot | 12,00 € |
129568 | Tenderplatine kpl. m. Lichtpl. | 40,40 € |
129569 | Tendergrundrahmen 36025 18.201 | 0,00 € |
129570 | TS - Handl.+Griffst. lack.gruen | 12,00 € |
129571 | TS - Kessel + Tender bedruckt | 10,60 € |
129572 | TS - Ventile TT BR18.2 - gruen | 4,30 € |
129573 | TS - Kessel TT BR18.2 - schw. | 4,30 € |
129574 | TS - Kessell.+Schieberst. gruen | 15,90 € |
129575 | Windleitblech li.+re. lack. gr | 0,00 € |
129576 | TS - Lok- + Tendergewichte TT | 7,20 € |
129577 | Lokpfeife TT BR18.201 | 3,30 € |
129578 | Vorlaufradsatz - karminrot | 8,40 € |
129579 | TS - Vorlaufgestell karminrot | 7,20 € |
129580 | Nachlaufradsatz - karminrot | 8,40 € |
129581 | TS-Nachlaufgestell | 4,90 € |
129582 | Umlaufblech TT BR18.2 lack. | 30,30 € |
129583 | TS - Radblenden li.+re. bedr. | 4,30 € |
129584 | Radblendenfeder TT | 3,30 € |
129585 | Zylinderblock lack. - BR18.201 | 7,20 € |
129586 | Tendergehaeuse 36025 - BR18.201 | 0,00 € |
129587 | Tendertueren li.+re kpl. - gruen | 0,00 € |
129588 | OEltenderoberteil - TT BR18.201 | 15,70 € |
129589 | TS - Tender TT BR18.201 gruen | 4,90 € |
129590 | Fuehrerhaus 36025 - DBAG 18.201 | 20,10 € |
129591 | DG-Blende+Bremsbacken BR18.201 | 4,90 € |
129594 | Tenderkupplungsdeichsel | 3,30 € |
131817 | TS - Kuppelstangen - TT BR18.2 | 0,00 € |
85617 | Haftring N-Spur 7!8 mm 10 Stk. | 7,20 € |
85778 | Ansatzschraube M2x1!2 mm | 1,80 € |
86249 | Zugfeder D=2,5 L=1,2/4,3 mm | 1,80 € |
86400 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=14ge./19re. | 2,00 € |
86499 | Zahnrad Z=19 M0!3 gerade | 1,80 € |
96297 | VCI-Rostschutzfolie 160x200 mm | 2,40 € |