70331 Steam locomotive 310.20, BBÖ
Steam locomotive 310.20, BBÖ
Steam locomotive 310.20 of the Austrian Federal Railways.
Edition model!
Drive on two axles of the tender and via cardan shaft on all three locomotive driving axles.
■ Finely-detailed chassis
■ Filigree reproduction of the control
■ NEM finescale metal spoked wheels
■ Opening smokebox doors
■ Many separately attached details
■ Retrofittable smoke generator
Due to increased train weights in express train traffic, the most influential designer for Austrian steam locomotive construction, Ing. Dr. h.c. Karl Gölsdorf, developed a new express locomotive with the wheel arrangement 1'C2' in 1906. This, compared to the Pacific type popular in many countries, was an "inverted" axle arrangement, which made it possible to accommodate a large upright boiler with a wide grate. Together with the weighty four-cylinder compound engine, it was possible to create a high-performance locomotive despite the low Austrian axle load limit of only 14.5 t. This locomotive is considered by many railway enthusiasts to be the most beautiful steam locomotive in Austria.
Whereas the first 11 engines were delivered in wet steam design, the other 90 examples of this type were put into service as series 310 superheated steam locomotives and used by the kkStB mainly on the Nordbahn, the Franz-Josefsbahn and the Westbahn between Vienna and Salzburg as a high-quality passenger train service.
The "Russian Iron" was an alternative to primed and painted sheet metal in the early railway eras, but also represented an aesthetic element. It was only used around locomotive areas with high heat radiation, such as the panelling on the boiler and cylinder.
The black and white photos at our disposal suggest that locomotives of the 310 series also received "Russian Iron" panelling. Images in colour also support this assumption. In terms of colour design, the black-painted smoke chamber panelling provides striking accents. This contributes to the highly attractive appearance of this unusual locomotive design.
Additional Information
Coupling | NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism at the tender |
Minimum radius | 358 mm |
Flywheel | yes |
Number of driven axles | 5 |
Number of axles with traction tyres | 2 |
Article number | 70331 |
EAN | 9005033703318 |
Scale | H0 |
Epoch | II |
Railway Company | BBÖ |
Smoke generator Article number (digital) | Seuthe no. 11 |
Smoke generator retrofittable | yes |
Head light | Direction dependent dual headlights |
Control | DC Digital |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units according to NEM 652 standards with plug-in fixture |
Digital decoder | NEM 652 |
Decoder-Type | MS450R |
Sound | yes |
Length over buffer | 248 mm |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
107808 | Attrappenrahmen klein schwarz | 2,00 € |
108264 | Motorspange - gelb passiv. | 1,80 € |
108322 | Zubehörrahmen gr+mi - schwarz | 4,30 € |
109232 | TS - Behälter + Stützblech - schwarz | 10,60 € |
109233 | TS - Kessel + Fangeisen | 6,00 € |
109234 | TS - BR310 / Rh16 - schwarz | 10,60 € |
109238 | Kardanwelle 39 mm - ch.schwarz | 2,40 € |
109239 | Steckteilesatz Rh16/BR310 | 10,60 € |
109240 | Lokplatine 310/Rh16 --! 149415 | 0,00 € |
109241 | Lokflexplatine kpl. m. 2Lampen | 12,00 € |
109242 | Schneckensatz m. Kardankugel | 12,00 € |
109245 | Getriebesatz Tender 2-tlg. 310 | 4,90 € |
109246 | Lokboden lack. - schwarz | 7,20 € |
109247 | Lokgrundrahmen lack. - schwarz | 15,90 € |
109248 | Kardanschale lang | 2,40 € |
109249 | TS - Kessel Rh310/Rh16 - schwarz | 12,00 € |
109252 | Ansatzschraube M2x1!7/4!7 mm | 1,80 € |
109256 | TS - Tender - Rh16/310 - schwarz | 6,00 € |
109258 | Tenderkupplung - schwarz | 2,40 € |
109260 | Flexplatine Tender Rh16/BR310 | 14,10 € |
109261 | Motor m. Schwungm.+Kardanhuelse | 62,00 € |
109265 | Getriebedeckel vo.+hi. Rh310 | 4,90 € |
109266 | Getriebeboden vo.+hi. - schw. | 4,90 € |
109268 | Puffer flach - chem.schwarz | 2,40 € |
109269 | Puffer gewölbt - chem.schwarz | 2,40 € |
109272 | Steckverbindung BR310 / Rh16 | 15,70 € |
109276 | Steckteil f. Umlaufblech | 1,80 € |
109277 | Kesselteile BR01/BR310 Messing | 6,00 € |
109278 | Drahtlampe T3/8 3 Volt 20 mA | 4,90 € |
109279 | TS - Fenster + Lichtleiter | 12,00 € |
109292 | Tendergrundrahmen - schwarz | 15,90 € |
109294 | DG-Blende Tender m. Kont. Rh16 | 10,60 € |
109295 | TS - Wasserhebel + Griffe | 15,70 € |
109298 | TS - Kesselsteckteile | 10,60 € |
109545 | Kontaktstift 1x9 mm | 2,00 € |
109546 | Lok-Tender-Kupplung - schwarz | 2,40 € |
109547 | Kupplungsplatte Rh310 - schw. | 2,00 € |
109548 | Kardanhülse | 2,40 € |
110229 | Kuppelstange re. Rh16/Rh310 | 4,30 € |
110230 | Kuppelstange li. Rh16/Rh310 | 4,30 € |
110232 | Treibstangenring | 1,80 € |
110233 | TS - Leitungen Rh310 - schwarz | 10,60 € |
110235 | Getriebedeckel Lok - schwarz | 10,60 € |
110236 | Laterne unten kpl.LR - chem.schw | 4,90 € |
110237 | Treibradsatz 1 m. Achslager | 20,10 € |
110238 | Kuppelradsatz 2 m. Achslager | 20,10 € |
110239 | Kuppelradsatz 3 m. Zahnr. o.HR | 20,10 € |
110248 | Vorlaufgestell Rh16/310 - schwarz | 10,60 € |
110251 | Radsatz m.2Haftr.m.Zahnr.n.Sp. | 14,10 € |
110254 | Vorlauf-/Tenderradsatz n.Spk. | 14,10 € |
110257 | TS - Radsaetze Lok hoher Spurk. | 15,90 € |
110262 | TS - Kohleaufsatz 1-Brett, ... - schwarz | 4,90 € |
110288 | Nachlaufradsatz n.Spk. - schwarz | 12,00 € |
110641 | Drahtstift 0,5x20 mm - chem.schwarz | 2,00 € |
111987 | Schneckendeckel Kessel | 2,00 € |
112109 | Isolierbuchse | 1,80 € |
113252 | Steuerungsnieten kurz + lang | 4,90 € |
114197 | Bürstenfeder H0 D=2,8/1,6 L=8 | 1,80 € |
114828 | GF-Schraube M2x6 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
114836 | GF-Schraube + M1!6x6 mm - schw | 1,80 € |
114850 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
114877 | GF-Schraube + M2x4 mm | 1,80 € |
114881 | GF-Schraube M1!6x10 mm | 1,80 € |
114966 | GF-Schraube M2x5 mm | 1,80 € |
115037 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x8 mm | 1,80 € |
115062 | GF-Schraube M2x18 mm | 1,80 € |
115155 | Stütze Rh310/Rh375 - schwarz | 1,80 € |
115159 | Gasbehaelter li.+re. - schwarz | 3,30 € |
115160 | Laterne unten bedr. - !blind! | 4,90 € |
115161 | SK-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
115162 | TS - Leitungen Rh310/375 - schwarz | 3,30 € |
115164 | Tenderplatine kpl. Rh16/310 | 40,40 € |
115166 | Kesselplatine kpl. - Rh16/310 | 40,40 € |
115168 | Rauchkammertür rechts BBÖ 310 | 4,90 € |
115169 | Rauchkammertuer links BBOE 310 | 4,90 € |
115170 | Armaturen + Kesselrueckwand | 3,30 € |
115174 | Pufferbohle Rh16/310 - schwarz | 6,00 € |
115175 | TS - Brems- + Heizschlauch | 3,30 € |
115176 | Laufgestelldruckfeder L=5 mm | 1,80 € |
115177 | Bühne hi. BBÖ Rh310 - schwarz | 1,80 € |
115178 | Umlaufblech Rh16/Rh310 | 10,60 € |
115550 | Kurzkupplung - Vorentkupplung | 3,30 € |
117617 | Zahnrad Z=16 M0,4 gerade - schwarz | 1,80 € |
122717 | Ventil - brueniert | 3,30 € |
122731 | Luftpumpe - schwarz | 2,00 € |
124695 | Werkzeugkasten DRB 16/BBOE 310 | 2,00 € |
124710 | Leitung 3 + Kessel Ep.3 | 3,30 € |
125569 | TS - Fangeisen, Abdeckungen - schwarz | 4,90 € |
128481 | Platine Lautsprecher o. Litzen | 7,20 € |
129524 | Lautsprecher RA 15x11 DA 2403 | 12,00 € |
133619 | Schornsteinoese | 3,30 € |
133812 | Kesselgewicht - BR310/Rh375 | 4,90 € |
149057 | Schmierhebel l+r Rh310 - weißaluminium | 3,30 € |
149058 | TS - Kessel Rh310 - weissalum. | 6,00 € |
149059 | TS - Griffe Rh310 - weissalum. | 15,70 € |
149060 | Bremshebel Rh310 - weißaluminium | 3,30 € |
149061 | Tendergehäuse 70331 - BBÖ 310.20 | 24,20 € |
149062 | Steuerung kpl. 70331 - 310.20 | 75,20 € |
149063 | Kessel kpl. 70331 - BBÖ 310.20 | 117,00 € |
149065 | Reversierstange lack. - weißaluminium | 3,30 € |
149066 | TS - Kesselboden - blechblau | 14,10 € |
149067 | Lampenhalter Rh310 bedr. | 3,30 € |
149068 | Kesselleit.+Steuerst. - weissal | 14,10 € |
149069 | Zurüstbeutel - Rh310.20 Blauk. | 20,10 € |
149070 | Zuruestbeutel - Rh310.20 Blauk. | 24,20 € |
149071 | Tafelsatz 7100012 - BBÖ 310.20 Blauk. | 10,60 € |
149414 | Tenderplatine Rh310/16 - 2023 | 24,20 € |
149415 | Lokplatine Rh310/16 NEU 2023 | 20,10 € |
149800 | Sounddecoder MS450 N652+2 55mm | 179,00 € |
40069 | Traction tyre set DC | 7,90 € |
85720 | 6-K-Ansatzschr. M1!4 L=6!7 mm | 2,40 € |
85764 | Schraube M1!4x3!2/1!1 mm | 1,80 € |
86108 | Beilagscheibe 2!1x4 / 0!2 mm | 1,80 € |
86202 | Konusfeder D=3,25/4,35 L=4 mm | 1,80 € |
86208 | Zugfeder D=2,5 L=2,7/5,8 mm | 1,80 € |
86249 | Zugfeder D=2,5 L=1,2/4,3 mm | 1,80 € |
86490 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=15re./14ge. | 2,40 € |
86720 | Schnecke Z=1 M=0!5 rechts | 3,30 € |
89246 | Standardkupplung | 3,30 € |
89282 | Universalkupplung | 3,30 € |
89724 | Lokfuehrer seitlich - schwarz | 3,30 € |
89725 | Heizer / E-Lokführer - schwarz | 3,30 € |
89743 | Kohlebuerste HO | 3,30 € |
89749 | Lager f. Schneckenachse D=2H7 | 3,30 € |
96297 | VCI-Rostschutzfolie 160x200 mm | 2,40 € |
96393 | Hartkartonsch.UT 336x99x48 mm | 8,40 € |
96394 | Hartkartonsch.OT 336x99x48 mm | 8,40 € |
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