7110006 High-speed steam locomotive 18 201, coal-fired, DR

High-speed steam locomotive 18 201, coal-fired, DR




Novelty - (quarter 2025.Q1)

High-speed steam locomotive 18 201, coal-fired of the railway company of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Reichsbahn).

Drive on two axles of the tender and via cardan shaft on all three locomotive driving axles.

Edition model!
Form variation!

■ Prototypical implementation of the design with coal firing
■ For the first time with PluX16 interface and LED lighting
■ Trim line with triple tip
■ Finely-detailed metal wheelsets
■ Driver’s cab and valve gear lighting switchable in digital mode
■ Smoke generator can be retrofitted

The Halle Research Institute needed another high-speed steam locomotive to test new passenger coaches in the 1960s. The new engine 18 201 was created from high-speed tender locomotive 61 002 and parts of high-pressure test locomotive H 25 024. The steam generator was a modified new boiler construction of the class 22 with an extended smoke chamber and Giesl ejector. The machine was equipped with a counter-pressure brake to ensure that the speed was maintained precisely when travelling at high speed. Fast travel meant up to 175 km/h, because the 18 201 was initially approved for this maximum speed – later 180 km/h – but of course only forwards.

Additional Information

General data
Coupling NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism at the tender
Minimum radius 358 mm
Flywheel yes
Number of driven axles 5
Number of axles with traction tyres 2
Article number 7110006
Scale H0
Epoch III
Railway Company DR
Smoke generator Article number (digital) Seuthe steam unit no. 11
Smoke generator retrofittable yes
Head light Direction dependent triple front headlights and dual rear headlights.
LED head light yes
Interior lighting Yes, LED, Digital switchable, Driver's cab lighting
Control DC Digital
Interface Electrical interface for traction units PluX16
Digital decoder PluX16
Sound yes
Length over buffer 289 mm