71380 Steam locomotive 038 509-6, DB
Steam locomotive 038 509-6, DB
Steam locomotive 038 509 of the German Federal Railway.
Edition model!
■ Completely new design
■ Finely detailed model with many separately applied plug-in parts
■ Wheels with fine spokes
■ Design with riveted tender and “Witte” smoke deflectors
■ With switchable driver’s cab and valve gear lighting in digital mode
■ With newly developed dynamic steam for even more authentic steam emission from the chimney
For a long time, the class 038 steam locomotives with their riveted tenders and "Witte" smoke deflectors were standard on German branch lines. They usually hauled passenger trains and were therefore not replaceable in the local service for a long time. It was not until the increasing modernization at the Deutsche Bundesbahn that they were replaced by diesel and electric locomotives.
Additional Information
Coupling | In-house produced coupling and close coupling mechanism |
Minimum radius | 358 mm |
Flywheel | yes |
Number of driven axles | 2 |
Number of axles with traction tyres | 2 |
Article number | 71380 |
EAN | 9005033713805 |
Scale | H0 |
Epoch | IV |
Railway Company | DB |
Switchable smoke generator | yes |
Head light | Both sides of the vehicle are equipped with direction dependent triple headlights. |
LED head light | yes |
Interior lighting | Yes, LED, Digital switchable, Driver's cab lighting |
Control | DC Digital |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units PluX22 |
Digital decoder | PluX22 |
Decoder-Type | MS450P22 |
Sound | yes |
Buffer capacitor | yes |
Length over buffer | 214 mm |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
108137 | PT-Schraube + M1,5x5 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
110690 | Druckfeder D=2,1 L=7,5 mm t=1 | 2,00 € |
114877 | GF-Schraube + M2x4 mm | 1,80 € |
114881 | GF-Schraube M1!6x10 mm | 1,80 € |
115161 | SK-Schraube + M1,6x4 mm | 1,80 € |
115269 | GF-Schraube + M1,6x5 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
115550 | Kurzkupplung - Vorentkupplung | 3,30 € |
116493 | SK-Schraube M1!6x7 mm - schw. | 1,80 € |
116876 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=11,6 mm | 1,80 € |
117440 | Puffer rund flach - Metall | 2,40 € |
120552 | TS - Lampen BR24/64/85 - schw. | 2,40 € |
120685 | GF-Ansatzschr. M2x2!8x3!5 schw | 1,80 € |
122204 | Kegeldruckfeder D=2!4/4!4x6 mm | 2,00 € |
125004 | Generator-Sockel + Umlauf - schwarz | 2,00 € |
130787 | Puffer l+r bedr. - schw./weiß | 4,30 € |
130808 | Griffstange kurz - chem.schw. | 3,30 € |
133597 | Achsfeder L=29 mm (2x14!5 mm) | 2,00 € |
133797 | Ansatzschraube SV M2x4 mm | 2,40 € |
139832 | TS - Bremsschläuche + Zughaken | 4,30 € |
140654 | Luftpumpe re. BR85 - schwarz | 2,40 € |
140666 | V-Schlauch 13 mm + O-Ringe | 4,90 € |
143761 | GF-Schraube M1!6x16 mm - schw. | 2,00 € |
145561 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=7,15 mm | 2,00 € |
147228 | TS - Dichtungen+Motoraufl.BR95 | 4,30 € |
147377 | Sounddecoder MS450 Pl.22 ZIMO | 179,00 € |
148944 | TS - Kuppelbolzen - goldschw. | 3,30 € |
150038 | Deichsel kpl. BR38 - schwarz | 20,10 € |
150040 | Radkontakt l+r gebogen BR38 | 8,40 € |
150041 | TS - Tendertueren + Vorwaermer | 8,40 € |
150044 | TS - Fenster+Lichtleiter BR38 | 7,20 € |
150045 | TS - Domdeckel, Luftkessel, ... | 6,00 € |
150046 | TS - Leitungen + Ventile Umlauf | 6,00 € |
150048 | Pumpenantrieb BR38 - goldschw. | 3,30 € |
150059 | Kontakthalter kpl. BR38 - schw | 14,10 € |
150062 | Deichsel Tender BR38 - schwarz | 3,30 € |
150063 | Motorhalter BR38 - schwarz | 1,80 € |
150067 | TS - Tender Pumpe, ... BR38/PKP | 3,30 € |
150075 | TS - Griffe Tender BR38 schw. | 3,30 € |
150076 | Feder Tendertuer gebogen BR38 | 4,30 € |
150079 | Radkontakte Vorlaufgestell | 4,30 € |
150085 | TS - Gegenkurbel BR38 goldschw | 4,90 € |
150086 | Kolbenschutzrohe + Schieberd. | 10,60 € |
150087 | Zylinder r+l BR38/Ok1 - schwarz | 10,60 € |
150088 | TS - Nieten Steuerung BR38/Ok1 | 4,30 € |
150091 | TS - Deichsel BR38 - schwarz | 3,30 € |
150096 | TS - Kessel BR38 - schwarz | 4,30 € |
150098 | Schaltstange + Pfeifenhebel | 3,30 € |
150100 | Sandleitungen BR38 - schwarz | 2,00 € |
150102 | Rauchfang lang BR38 lack. - schwarz | 3,30 € |
150105 | Lokplatine BR38 1 LED weiss | 4,90 € |
150106 | Kesselgewicht + Abd.Rundschlot | 4,90 € |
150107 | Zurüstbeutel - BR38 / Rh638 | 15,70 € |
150121 | Tenderplatine Pl.22 BR38 digi. | 24,20 € |
150122 | Lokplatine BR38 So.+dyn.Dampf | 10,60 € |
150123 | Keramik Fasermatten 25x12 mm | 3,30 € |
150124 | Lautsprecher ST IPx7 18x13 mm | 30,30 € |
150125 | Motor KM Rauchentw. BR38 50mm | 30,30 € |
150126 | Abdeckung Rauchmotor BR38 rot | 3,30 € |
150296 | Getriebeeinsatz m. Zahnraeder | 10,60 € |
150297 | Motor KM m.Schwungm.+Schnecken | 43,50 € |
150734 | Umlaufblech 71380 - 038 509-6 | 30,30 € |
150735 | TS - Luftkessel BR38 - schwarz | 4,90 € |
150736 | TS - Leitern + Griffe - k.rot | 4,07 € |
150737 | Abdeckungen Umlauf BR38 k.rot | 4,07 € |
150738 | TS - Luftkessel + Bremsen - karminrot | 4,90 € |
150739 | Radsatz T. m.Haftr.m.Zahnr.rot | 8,80 € |
150740 | Radsatz T. o.Haftr.o.Zahnr.rot | 8,40 € |
150741 | TS - DB Tenderlampen BR38 | 7,00 € |
150742 | Lichtleiter + Linsen DB klein | 3,55 € |
150743 | Tendergehäuse 71379-038 509-6 | 38,80 € |
150744 | Tendergrundrahmen 71379-DB 038 | 26,30 € |
150745 | TS - Tenderleitern - karminrot | 2,75 € |
150746 | DG-Blende Tender BR38 - k.rot | 5,00 € |
150747 | Kohleaufsatz Blech BR38 | 8,40 € |
150748 | TS - Vorlaufgestell BR38 k.rot | 3,55 € |
150749 | Kuppelradsatz m. Achsl. kurz - karminrot | 20,10 € |
150750 | Kuppelradsatz m. Achsl. lang - karminrot | 20,10 € |
150751 | Treibradsatz m. Achsl. kurz - karminrot | 24,20 € |
150752 | Steuerung kpl. 71380-038 509-6 | 100,10 € |
150753 | Lokgrundrahmen 71380-038 509-6 | 26,30 € |
150754 | Lokboden BR38 - karminrot | 4,30 € |
150755 | TS - Kuppelstangen BR38/Rh638 | 21,00 € |
150756 | Rangierbügel BR38 - schwarz | 1,95 € |
150757 | Bremsgestänge BR38 - karminrot | 2,00 € |
150758 | Pufferbohle BR038 - schwarz | 7,00 € |
150759 | Ventil Speisedom BR38 - schw. | 1,95 € |
150760 | Kessel kpl. 71380 - 038 509-6 | 130,30 € |
150761 | Führerhaus 71380 - 038 509-6 | 42,40 € |
150762 | Griffstange eingespr. BR38 | 2,75 € |
150763 | Windleitblech l+r Witte BR38 | 3,30 € |
150764 | Nummerntafel 71380 - 038 509-6 | 5,95 € |
150765 | Linse DB lang | 1,45 € |
150766 | TS - Griffe DB BR38 - schwarz | 3,55 € |
150767 | Kesselrückwand + Indusi BR38 | 15,70 € |
150768 | Tafelsatz 71380 - DB 038 509-6 | 8,80 € |
150866 | Vorlaufradsatz lack. - karminrot | 12,00 € |
86216 | Zugfeder D=2,5 W=15,5 | 2,40 € |
86490 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=15re./14ge. | 2,40 € |
86493 | Zahnrad Z=19 M0!4 gerade | 1,80 € |
88503 | Puffer rund gewölbt - Metall | 2,40 € |
89246 | Standardkupplung | 3,30 € |
89278 | Standardkuppl. - Schwalbenschw | 3,30 € |
89725 | Heizer / E-Lokführer - schwarz | 3,30 € |
89726 | Lokführer seitlich sw --> 89724 | 0,00 € |
92453 | Ölkanne - bronze/goldschwarz | 2,00 € |
96231 | Lok-Display Gummifuesse - 8 Stk | 2,40 € |
96232 | Lok-Display Schiene - 350 mm | 8,40 € |
96233 | Lok-Display Glasbox - 350 mm | 8,40 € |
96297 | VCI-Rostschutzfolie 160x200 mm | 2,40 € |
96353 | Lok-Display Fixierung - BR38 | 15,70 € |
96397 | Hartkartonsch.UT 396x115x80 mm | 10,60 € |
96398 | Hartkartonsch.OT 396x115x80 mm | 10,60 € |
96525 | KK-Kopf-Satz hoehenverstellbar | 4,90 € |
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