73159 Cogwheel steam locomotive, Alpspitz Bahn

Cogwheel steam locomotive, Alpspitz Bahn

Discontinued, not available

Cogwheel steam locomotive of the Alpspitz Bahn.

■ Can be operated on and off toothed rack tracks
■ Due to its enormous climbing ability on cogwheel track, the machine can cope with extreme differences in altitude (up to 35%) even when space is limited
■ FLEISCHMANN PROFI plug-in coupling for cogwheel railway operation for replacement is included

Cogwheel railways radiate an exceptional fascination with the unique combination of mountains, complex routing and numerous bridges and tunnels. The locomotion of the train is based on a cogwheel that locks into a rack located between the tracks, since the standard friction between the wheel and the track is not sufficiently robust for the steep inclines. On cogwheel railway lines that are based on what is called a mixed system and where friction sections alternate with rack sections, depending on the gradient, the tractive power is exerted by the same machine. There are a lot of private cogwheel railways in the Alps, which are very popular with tourists from all over the world.

Additional Information

General data
Coupling NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism
Minimum radius 358 mm
Flywheel yes
Number of driven axles 3
Article number 73159
EAN 9005033731595
Scale H0
Railway Company EINSTELLER
Motor 3 pole motor
Head light Direction dependent dual headlights
Control DC Analog
Interface Electrical interface for traction units according to NEM 651 standards with plug-in fixture
Length over buffer 123 mm


Use-Instructions (DE)
Spare part list (DE)

Spare parts