5100003 Analogue set: Christmas train
Analogue set: Christmas train
Analogue start set: Christmas train
■ Reissue
■ LED headlight
■ Passenger coach: With removable roof
■ Goods wagon: With four individually-removable side walls
■ Sticker sheet enclosed
■ Track oval in snowy look
■ 1:45 scale models
1 steam locomotive
1 hood roof passenger coach
1 medium-high side wagon
1 electronic manual regulator
1 plug-in power supply
ROCO LINE track layout (with bedding):
12 curved tracks R3, 1 straight track G½, 1 feeder track (G½)
Size of track layout: approx. 110 x 100 cm
Merry Christmas - with the ROCO Christmas train
Children’s eyes shining; memories of yesteryear – with the Christmas train from ROCO, your Christmas fairy tale comes true! This set includes a steam locomotive, a passenger coach and an open goods wagon with side walls ideal for loading. All the models are cleanly painted with flawless printing. A comprehensive sheet of stickers is included for creative designing fun with the family for easy personalisation of your train! The track oval in snowy look is perfect for running your train around your Christmas tree at home!
Additional Information
Minimum radius | 358 mm |
Number of driven axles | 2 |
Article number | 5100003 |
EAN | 9005033063368 |
Coupling | In-house produced coupling |
Scale | 0e |
LED head light | yes |
Control | DC Analog |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units according to NEM 651 standards with plug-in fixture |
Length over coupling | 386 mm |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
00122500 | Plattform Persw. MAGIC TRAIN | 4,30 € |
00122502 | Plattform Güterw. MAGIC TRAIN | 4,30 € |
00142301 | Fenster Persw. MAGIC TRAIN | 6,00 € |
00382000 | Kupplung MAGIC TRAIN - schwarz | 3,30 € |
00382001 | Deichsel MAGIC TRAIN - schwarz | 3,30 € |
00412200 | Deckplatte unt. MT - schwarz | 10,60 € |
00422000 | TS - Steuerung MAGIC TRAIN | 10,60 € |
00432200 | TS - Zylinderblock MAGIC TRAIN | 10,60 € |
00532000 | Radsatz o. Zahnrad MAGIC TRAIN | 12,00 € |
00532001 | Radsatz m. Zahnrad MAGIC TRAIN | 20,10 € |
00532002 | Radsatz Wagen MAGIC TRAIN | 4,30 € |
00567606 | Schnecke D=4!5 mm L=8 mm | 3,30 € |
00642000 | Kontaktpilzgarnitur MT Loks | 10,60 € |
00700405 | ZK-Schraube M2x5 mm | 1,10 € |
00713516 | Blechschraube ST 2!2x16 mm | 1,10 € |
00730543 | Bolzen Kuppelst.hi.MAGIC TRAIN | 1,80 € |
00730572 | Bolzen f. Kuppelstangen | 1,60 € |
00764318 | Druckfeder 6 mm W=5/8 | 1,10 € |
150150 | Kessel kpl. MT Weihnacht-2023 | 24,20 € |
150151 | TS - Kessel MT - perlgold | 12,00 € |
150152 | TS - Lichtleiter MAGI TRAIN | 3,30 € |
150153 | Schornstein MT - capriblau | 6,00 € |
150154 | TS - Wasserkasten MT - pe.gold | 6,00 € |
150155 | Fuehrerhaus 5100003-Weihn. 2023 | 28,60 € |
150156 | Fuehrerhausdach MT - rubinrot | 7,20 € |
150157 | Dampfpfeife MT - rubinrot | 2,40 € |
150158 | TS - Rohre + Leitung - p.gold | 4,90 € |
150159 | Lokgrundrahmen MAGIK TRAIN | 12,00 € |
150160 | Umlaufblech MT m. Kontakt | 15,70 € |
150161 | Motor KM m. Schnecke MAGIC TR. | 40,40 € |
150162 | Platine kpl.m.LED-Pl. MAGIC TR | 15,90 € |
85727 | Schraube M1,6x4 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
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