51162 Analogue start set: ICE 2, DB AG
Analogue start set: ICE 2, DB AG
Analogue start set: High-speed electric multiple unit ICE 2 of the Deutsche Bahn.
■ Power head and control cab coach with PluX interface
■ LED headlights
3 piece ICE 2 (length scale 1: 100) consisting of:
1 motorized power head
1 intermediate coach with on-board restaurant
1 control cab coach
1 railroad crossing
1 electronic manual regulator
1 plug-in power supply
ROCO LINE track layout (with bedding):
12 curved tracks R2, 6 straight tracks G1, 1 straight track G½, 1 feeder track (G½)
Size of track layout: approx. 170 x 100 cm
Additional Information
Coupling | NEM shaft 362 with close coupling mechanism |
Minimum radius | 358 mm |
Flywheel | yes |
Number of driven axles | 4 |
Number of axles with traction tyres | 1 |
Article number | 51162 |
EAN | 9005033511623 |
Scale | H0 |
Epoch | VI |
Railway Company | DB-AG |
Head light | 3 headlight, dependent on the direction of travel/2 tail lights, dependent on the direction of travel |
LED head light | yes |
Control | DC Analog |
Interface | Electrical interface for traction units PluX16, Electrical interface for traction units PluX22 |
Length scale | 1:100 |
Length over buffer | 742 mm |
Spare parts
Art. No.: | Description | Price: | |||
100075 | Gelenkwelle + Kardanschale | 4,90 € |
105194 | Schneckensatz Z=2 m. Kardank. | 12,00 € |
105200 | Lichtleiter MW/SW ICE | 2,00 € |
105201 | Seitenfenster - ICE-2 | 2,00 € |
105202 | Stirnfenster - ICE-2 | 2,00 € |
105203 | Lichtabdeckung | 2,00 € |
105206 | Kontakthalter - ICE-1/2 | 1,80 € |
105214 | Faltenbalg ICE - quarzgrau | 2,40 € |
105221 | Kupplungsdeichsel - ICE | 2,40 € |
105503 | Isolatorgrundplatte ICE - grbr | 2,00 € |
107738 | Kardanwelle | 2,00 € |
108119 | Zuruestbeutel - ICE-Kuppl. 2/2 | 3,30 € |
108128 | Halteplatte | 1,80 € |
108130 | Radsatz m. Haftringen+Zahnrad | 10,60 € |
108132 | Fenstersatz - ICE-2 | 6,00 € |
111066 | Schraube M2!2x6!5 mm | 1,80 € |
111679 | Zahnrad Z=23 M0!4 gerade | 1,80 € |
112263 | TS - Dachteile + Fuehrerstand | 6,00 € |
112264 | Blende Lok o. Indusi ICE 2 | 10,60 € |
112265 | Kupplungskammer m. L. - bas.gr | 2,00 € |
112266 | DG-Blende Lok m. Indusi ICE 2 | 10,60 € |
112267 | Stirnfenster Mittelwagen ICE 2 | 2,00 € |
112278 | Drehgestell kpl. 1 | 15,70 € |
112279 | Drehgestell kpl. 2 | 15,70 € |
112683 | Getriebesatz 3-tlg. - ICE 1/2 | 12,00 € |
114836 | GF-Schraube + M1!6x6 mm - schw | 1,80 € |
114877 | GF-Schraube + M2x4 mm | 1,80 € |
114966 | GF-Schraube M2x5 mm | 1,80 € |
115445 | DG-Blende FIAT ICE2 - grau | 4,90 € |
115865 | Quicklock Benzing | 1,80 € |
116493 | SK-Schraube M1!6x7 mm - schw. | 1,80 € |
116889 | Distanzscheibe 15/6x0,6mm grau | 1,80 € |
120685 | GF-Ansatzschr. M2x2!8x3!5 schw | 1,80 € |
127193 | Radsatz <24> 11 mm - eins.isol | 3,30 € |
133241 | Brückenstecker TVS Pl.16 | 7,20 € |
133771 | Fuehrerstand SW - basaltgrau | 2,00 € |
145560 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=14,3 mm | 2,00 € |
145561 | M-Kontaktfeder D=2,4 L=7,15 mm | 2,00 € |
146062 | Bugklappe ICE2 l+b Strich gruen | 3,30 € |
146064 | Frontwanne ICE-2 - lichtgrau | 2,00 € |
147318 | Gehaeuse kpl.MW 51162-402 026-9 | 75,20 € |
147319 | Grundrahmen MW ICE KM | 0,00 € |
147320 | Motor KM m.Schwungm.+Kardansch | 43,50 € |
147321 | Motordistanzplatte KM - ICE | 1,80 € |
147322 | Platine kpl. MW ICE analog | 28,60 € |
147323 | LED-Platine MW ICE-2 LED 1w/1r | 8,40 € |
147324 | Mittelwanne MW ICE-2 | 10,60 € |
147325 | Gehaeuse SW 51162 - 808 026-9 | 75,20 € |
147326 | Bodenplatte SW ICE-2 | 10,60 € |
147327 | LED-Platine SW 1w/1r Pl.16 | 10,60 € |
40066 | Traction tyre set DC | 6,90 € |
51162 | Analogue start set: ICE 2, DB AG | 0,00 € |
85379 | Stromabnehmer SBS65 - grau | 28,60 € |
86108 | Beilagscheibe 2!1x4 / 0!2 mm | 1,80 € |
86202 | Konusfeder D=3,25/4,35 L=4 mm | 1,80 € |
86208 | Zugfeder D=2,5 L=2,7/5,8 mm | 1,80 € |
86413 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=19re./17ge. | 2,40 € |
86418 | Zahnrad Z=17 M0,4 gerade | 2,40 € |
86468 | Zahnrad Z=29 M0!4 ger. zentr. | 1,80 € |
87129 | Kardanschale kurz 1,5 mm | 2,00 € |
88058 | Isolator - graubraun | 1,80 € |
88059 | UEberspannungsableiter - graubr | 1,80 € |
89749 | Lager f. Schneckenachse D=2H7 | 3,30 € |
89958 | Radkontakt | 2,00 € |
90891 | Radsatz m. Zahnrad o. Haftring | 8,40 € |
94707 | Schneckendeckel o. Zapfen | 2,00 € |
96204 | Radkontakt neuer Schnitt | 1,80 € |