42478 Curved turnout left BWI9/10

Curved turnout left BWI9/10

Novità - (trimestre 2025.Q2)

Curved turnout left hand BWI9/10, without turnout mechanism.

Radius of main track and branch track 826.4 mm (R9), arc angle 30°.

Suitable turnout mechanism:
40295 or 40296 (electric turnout mechanism),
40297 or 40298 (manual turnout mechanism)
or 10030 (below baseboard mechanism).
Please note the operating instructions!

■ Frog and wheel guide completely revised
■ Prototypical passing of the frog possible
■ Groove width in the frog area according to NEM
■ Polarisation of the turnout frog possible in combination with electric ROCO turnout drives

Ulteriori informazioni

Dati generali
Numero di articolo 42478
Grandezza nominale H0
altezza profilo binario 02. Jan mm


Use-Instructions (DE)
Use-Instructions (DE)