41505 z21 digital starter set diesel locomotive series 2048 with one freight train
z21 digital starter set diesel locomotive series 2048 with one freight train
Contents: One Diesel locomotive series 2048 of the Austrian Federal Railways and one freight train that consists of one stake wagon, one telescopic hood wagon and one sliding wall wagon. More contents: One Roco geoLine track oval that consists of 12 curved tracks R3, 1 preinstalled feed-in element, 21 straight tracks G200, 1 left-hand turnout 22.5, one buffer stop and 1 track end piece. 1 digital switchboard z21, 1 wlan router, 1 switching power supply. To run the digital switchboard a Smartphone or a Tablet PC is required.
Ulteriori informazioni
EAN | 9005033415051 |
Modello (paese) | Austria |
Grandezza nominale | H0 |
Epoca | V |
Numero di articolo | 41505 |
Gestione Impianto | ÖBB |
Comando | DC Digital |
Decoder digitale | NEM 652 |
Pezzi di ricambio
N. art.: | Descrizione | Prezzo: | |||
101208 | Lokführer gerade - grau | 3,30 € |
107388 | Radsatz m. 2Haftringen+Zahnrad | 10,60 € |
107808 | Attrappenrahmen klein schwarz | 2,00 € |
108732 | Steuerrad - umbragrau | 1,80 € |
10884 | Decoder con spinotto NEM 652 con segnale di ritorno e collegamento cavo | 0,00 € |
109321 | Drahtlampe T1 16V 30mA | 4,90 € |
113092 | Motor m. 2 Schwungm. + Anleit. | 62,00 € |
113627 | Puffer eckig - schwarz | 1,80 € |
114966 | GF-Schraube M2x5 mm | 1,80 € |
115094 | GF-Schraube M2x16 mm | 1,80 € |
115751 | DG-Blende+Bremsb. - mahagonibraun | 6,00 € |
117202 | Motordistanzplatte | 1,80 € |
120379 | Aufstiegssatz - umbragrau | 4,90 € |
120384 | Schienenraeumer 2048 - umbragr. | 2,00 € |
120386 | Getriebesatz 3-tlg. Boden grau | 12,00 € |
120392 | DG-Blende hi. kurz - umbragrau | 10,60 € |
120394 | DG-Blende vo. lang - umbragrau | 10,60 € |
120417 | TS - DG-Blende AC - umbragrau | 7,20 € |
123305 | Decoderdeckel - umbragrau | 2,00 € |
123306 | Puffer rund flach - grau | 1,80 € |
123307 | Puffer rund gewoelbt - grau | 1,80 € |
123310 | Zuruestbeutel - Diesellok 2048 | 12,00 € |
130918 | Grundrahmen Rh2048 - umbragrau | 0,00 € |
134785 | Gehaeuse kpl.41505 - 2048 010-9 | 43,50 € |
134786 | Kabine kpl. 41505 - 2048 010-9 | 33,90 € |
134787 | Dach Rh2048 lack. - umbragrau | 4,30 € |
134847 | Kupplung kpl. Stdk. - mahagonibraun | 4,90 € |
134848 | Zuruestbeutel - Teleskophaubenw | 8,40 € |
134850 | Zuruestbeutel - Schiebeplanenw. | 4,90 € |
200102 | DG-Blende+Bremsb. --! 115441 | 0,00 € |
200109 | TS - Fenster + Beleuchtung | 15,70 € |
40068 | Anelli di aderenza CC | 7,90 € |
85704 | FK-Schraube + M2x2!8/2!5 mm | 2,00 € |
86108 | Beilagscheibe 2!1x4 / 0!2 mm | 1,80 € |
86202 | Konusfeder D=3,25/4,35 L=4 mm | 1,80 € |
86419 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=16re/17ger | 3,30 € |
86424 | Zahnrad Z=12/19 M0!4 gerade | 2,00 € |
86460 | Zahnrad Z=18 M0,4 gerade weiß | 1,80 € |
86471 | Zahnrad Z=12 M0!4 gerade | 1,80 € |
86868 | Schneckensatz Z=1 m. Kardank. | 12,00 € |
87129 | Kardanschale kurz 1,5 mm | 2,00 € |
87138 | Gelenkwelle L=10!5 mm | 2,00 € |
87845 | Platine kpl. - Diesellok | 28,60 € |
89246 | Standardkupplung | 3,30 € |
89749 | Lager f. Schneckenachse D=2H7 | 3,30 € |
89879 | Radkontakt - V100/BR211/Rh2048 | 3,30 € |
90474 | Radsatz m. Zahnrad o. Haftring | 8,40 € |
94707 | Schneckendeckel o. Zapfen | 2,00 € |
94756 | Fuehrerstand - schwarz | 3,30 € |
98870 | Puffer eckig - mahagonibraun | 1,80 € |
99743 | Kupplung kpl. - Standardkuppl. | 4,90 € |