41502 z21 digital starter set diesel locomotive series 294 of the DB AG with ballast and crane cars
z21 digital starter set diesel locomotive series 294 of the DB AG with ballast and crane cars
z21 Digital starter set Diesel locomotive series 294 of the DB AG with construction train.
Contents: One Diesel locomotive series 294 of the Deutsche Bahn AG and one crane train which consists of one crane wagon, one crane protection wagon and one crew wagon. More contents: One Roco geoLine track oval that consists of 12 curved tracks R3, 1 preinstalled feed-in element, 21 straight tracks G200, 1 left-hand turnout 22.5, one buffer stop and 1 track end piece. 1 digital switchboard z21, 1 wlan router, 1 switching power supply. To run the digital switchboard a Smartphone or a Tablet PC is required.
Información adicional
EAN | 9005033415020 |
Número de artículo | 41502 |
Modelo (país) | Alemania |
Tamaño nominal | H0 |
Época | V |
Compañía ferroviaria | DB-AG |
Mando | DC Analógico |
Sonido | No |
Piezas de repuesto
Nº de art.: | Descripción | Precio: | |||
105825 | Puffer rund gewoelbt - schwarz | 1,80 € |
107533 | Puffer rund gew. re. --> 98700 | 1,80 € |
107631 | Dachluefter - basaltgrau | 1,80 € |
107632 | Rauchfang - basaltgrau | 2,00 € |
108616 | Drahtlampe T3/4 16V 30mA - w. | 4,90 € |
10884 | Cableado + descodificador conectable (NEM 652) con capacidad de respuesta | 0,00 € |
111124 | Radsatz m.ZR -! 3 x in 200119 | 0,00 € |
111125 | Radsatz m. 2Haftringen+Zahnrad | 10,60 € |
111307 | Schneckensatz m. Kardankugel | 12,00 € |
112820 | Getriebesatz 2-tlg. - schwarz | 6,00 € |
113301 | Achslagerhalterung | 2,40 € |
114494 | TS - Fenster - BR29x / Rh2074 | 7,20 € |
114504 | Buehne kpl. - V290 / BR29x | 12,00 € |
114507 | Antenne+Funkkasten - basaltgr. | 3,30 € |
114508 | Sirene 1 - basaltgrau | 1,80 € |
114509 | Sirene 2 - basaltgrau | 1,80 € |
114510 | Reflektor m. Griff - basaltgr | 2,00 € |
114622 | Anlaufscheibe D=2!1/4 H=0!01 | 1,80 € |
114828 | GF-Schraube M2x6 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
114872 | Kupplungsstellfeder gebogen | 3,30 € |
115069 | Kupplungskammer - schwarz | 0,00 € |
115070 | Kammerdeckel - schwarz | 2,00 € |
115073 | Dach BR29x - basaltgrau | 4,90 € |
115898 | DG-Blende Kranw. 3-achsig | 4,90 € |
116721 | Platine kpl. V290 - Blinklicht | 33,90 € |
120869 | Zuruestbeutel - Bauzug Griffe | 0,00 € |
129288 | TS - Achslager + Halter | 10,60 € |
131503 | Grundrahmen 41502 - 294 730-7 | 28,60 € |
131504 | Gehaeuse kpl. 41502 - 294 730-7 | 20,10 € |
131505 | Kabine kpl. 41502 - 294 730-7 | 30,30 € |
133726 | Kupplung kpl. - Standardkuppl. | 4,90 € |
134465 | Zuruestbeutel - Kranwagen rot | 4,90 € |
134589 | DG-Blende o. Bremszyl. - schw. | 6,00 € |
40066 | Juego de anillos de adherencia CC | 6,90 € |
85009 | Motor m. Anleitung o.Schwungm. | 56,20 € |
85672 | Schraube M2x6 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
85797 | SK-Schraube M2!2x16 mm KS | 1,80 € |
86414 | Zahnrad Z=21 M0!4 gerade | 1,80 € |
86490 | Schneckenzahnrad Z=15re./14ge. | 2,40 € |
86493 | Zahnrad Z=19 M0!4 gerade | 1,80 € |
87152 | Kardanschale 8,0 mm - schwarz | 1,80 € |
87214 | Kardanwelle L=16!7 mm | 2,40 € |
89246 | Standardkupplung | 3,30 € |
89749 | Lager f. Schneckenachse D=2H7 | 3,30 € |
89804 | Radkontakt L=34!3 mm | 1,80 € |
93994 | Linse - V90 / T94 / BR294 ... | 1,80 € |
98401 | Faltenbalg Umbauwag. - schwarz | 2,40 € |
98501 | Trittbrett - schwarz | 2,00 € |
98714 | Pufferteller gewoelbt - schwarz | 1,80 € |
98715 | Pufferteller flach - schwarz | 1,80 € |
98979 | Puffer rund - schwarz | 1,80 € |
99641 | Kupplung kpl. - Standardkuppl. | 4,90 € |
99698 | Kupplung kpl. - Kranwagen | 4,90 € |